

  • Optimized geometry for various in situ sample preparation and analysis applications
  • Easily customizable
  • Easily upgradable
  • Cost-effective


Specially Designed UHV Chamber with Wide Range in situ  Preparation Techniques including Ion Etching, E-beam Deposition, LEED and  RHEED analysis.

The FlexPrep module allows a wide range of in situ preparation techniques including ion etching, e-beam deposition, as well as LEED and RHEED analysis. SPECS also provides the corresponding variety of technical equipment and accessories. The FlexPrep module is an extension of the FlexPS and FlexPM modules for separate but in situ sample preparation. This allows the highest purity level in analysis combined with the required flexibility for preparation. The pumping configuration also can be chosen to meet gas load and base pressure requirements. Within the flexible system concept, sample handling can also be chosen regarding sample size, temperature range and manipulation possibility, to meet the experimental requirements optimally.  The FlexPrep sample manipulation includes solutions up to 2” sample size with up to 5 degrees of freedom and extended sample heating and cooling features. In addition, sample storage facilities can be added. Depending on the application, suitable accessories for sample preparation can be chosen from a wide range of options:

  • Ion source IQE 11/35 for sample cleaning
  • Plasma sources PCS-ECR, MPS-ECR or PCS-RF for sample preparation with reactive gases
  • E-beam evaporators in single pocket, EBE-1, or multipocket, EBE-4, configurations for thin film depositon
  • LEED optics ErLEED with Auger option and Safire software package for image acquisition and evaluation
  • RHEED RHD-30 package with Safire software option and elevated pressure option
  • Sample manipulator with up to 6 axis, sample size up to 2” and heating and cooling possibilities


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